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The Budget Committee provides the Board of Directors with a proposed line item budget for the next operating year.


The President-Elect, the incoming Secretary, and the incoming Treasurer shall be voting members of the committee, who shall also seek the advice of the President, the outgoing Secretary and the outgoing Treasurer.



  1. Work of the committee will be initiated following the general elections and completed prior to the Annual Meeting. (The format of the proposed budget will lend itself to easy correlation with the Society's financial reporting requirements.)

  2. The proposed budget shall be displayed at a membership meeting.

  3. Upon acceptance of the proposed budget, the committee shall ensure distribution to all directors, committee chairpersons, and other interested individuals prior to the new fiscal year

  4. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Communications Committee will provide the Section membership with a tabloid providing notice of Section activities, upcoming events, and articles of interest to the membership. In addition, this Committee will publish and distribute Section-sponsored technical and professional journals, position papers, directories, books, and other publications as authorized by the Board of Directors.



The committee shall be directed by a chairperson who will be the Newsletter Editor appointed by the President.  The committee shall consist of the Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, and any number of committee members as required to meet committee objectives.



  1. To prepare, solicit, and edit articles for the Section newsletter and website.

  2. To oversee the production and mailing of the newsletter to the Section membership.

  3. To oversee advertisements in the Section’s Newsletter

  4. To solicit Journal subscriptions, oversee publication and mailing of the Journal to subscribers.

  5. To publish and distribute Position Papers adopted by the Section.

  6. To publish Section-sponsored publications such as books, pamphlets, and membership directories.


The Construction Engineering Committee meets to consider, discuss, evaluate, and formulate positions regarding issues that affect members of the construction engineering community.  Accordingly, this Committee can meet with other parties as part of the Architects-Contractors-Engineers Committee in support of that committee's objectives.



The committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members, one of whom shall be appointed chairperson by the President. The committee may elect other officers, as it deems necessary. Committee membership, for voting purposes, shall be equal to the number of members present at any committee meeting. Unless designated otherwise by the committee, the chairperson shall be the designated voting member to the ACE Committee.



No action shall go before ACE Committee with Section support unless it has the recommended support of the Construction Engineering Committee and the approval of the Board of Directors.



  1. To maintain active and continuous representation on the ACE Committee.

  2. To recommend action, as necessary, to the Board of Directors on matters requiring a vote of the ACE Committee.

  3. To continually seek the greatest committee membership possible.

  4. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Engineering Education Committee is charged with ensuring an active Section program of continuing engineering education.



The committee shall be directed by a chairperson appointed by the President. The chairperson shall seek any number of committee members.



  1. To establish continuing education programs and a Professional Engineers Examination review course.

  2. To inform the membership of matters concerning the maintenance of technical and professional competence.

  3. To promote engineering programs and career opportunities among New Hampshire schools and the general public.

  4. Administer the S. Russell Stearns Scholarship to civil engineering students enrolled in an ABET-accredited Civil Engineering Program.  Responsibility includes distributing applications to faculty advisors, reviewing applicants, and recommending recipients of the award to the Board of Directors.

  5. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Ethics Committee considers and acts on matters of professional conduct by the membership.



The committee shall consist of three members, including a chairperson, all of whom shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority of the Board of Directors.



  1. To ensure enforcement of Section Bylaws, Article I, Section 1.

  2. To investigate the legal ramifications of the committee, the Board of Directors, and the Section as it relates to the action of the committee; and to make necessary recommendations thereon to the Board of Directors.

  3. To maintain frequent contact with the New Hampshire Joint Board of Licensure and Certification.

  4. To assure the maintenance, by the chairperson, of a complete and fully documented file of committee activities concerning specific cases of alleged violations.

  5. To develop written guidelines, as necessary, to ensure consistent committee activity from year to year.

  6. To recommend action, as necessary, to the Board of Directors concerning inequities or repressive aspects of the existing New Hampshire statutes that affect the work of the committee.

  7. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The History & Heritage Committee promotes a better understanding of the history and heritage of American Civil Engineering and assists in the collection and preservation of information pertaining to its development.



The committee shall be directed by a chairperson, appointed by the President. The chairperson shall seek any number of committee members.



  1. To administer and ensure continuing progress of the New Hampshire Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks Program.

  2. To investigate the possibility of collecting and maintaining civil engineering artifacts, possibly in cooperation with the State or a local historic society.

  3. To prepare and promote the inclusion of information of historic civil engineering landmarks within New Hampshire in guidebooks and maps used by the general public.

  4. To encourage the preservation of national, local or potential historic civil engineering landmarks within New Hampshire.

  5. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Government Affairs Committee is concerned with the activities of the New Hampshire General Court and Executive Branch as they relate to the engineering profession and to the health, safety, and welfare of the public and the environment.



The committee shall be directed by a chairperson appointed by the President. The chairperson shall seek any number of committee members.



  1. To scrutinize proposed legislation and alert the Board of Directors and the membership of any legislation concerning professional civil engineering matters.

  2. To scrutinize proposed regulations and alert the Board of Directors and the membership of any regulations concerning professional civil engineering matters.

  3. To present testimony at legislative hearings as directed and/or to encourage others to do likewise.

  4. To inform the Section representative to the Joint Committee of New Hampshire Engineering Societies of matters that might be of concern to the Joint Committee.

  5. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Hospitality Committee will extend Section hospitality to members, potential members, and guests of the Section at all Membership Meetings.



The President-Elect shall chair the committee. The chairperson shall seek any number of committee members.



  1. To coordinate with the Chair of the Program Committee the logistics of Membership Meeting reservations.

  2. To be responsible for the collection of funds at all Membership Meetings. Said funds to be transferred to the Treasurer.

  3. To retain and assume display of the Section banner at all Membership Meetings.

  4. To be responsible for assuring the presence of at least one other "greeter" at all Membership Meetings.

  5. To assist the Clerk of the Board in assembling minutes of the Membership Meetings.


The Land-Use Committee shall assess, develop, recommend, and evaluate all facets of the land-use and regulations and concerns as they affect New Hampshire, and to disseminate the resulting information to membership.



The committee shall be directed by a chairperson appointed by the President. The chairperson shall seek any number of committee members.



  1. To refine and propose, as necessary, revisions to the Section Position Paper on Land Use Policy and Legislation.

  2. To review and comment on proposed legislation, within the framework of the above position paper, to the appropriate body, upon review of the President.

  3. To sponsor or co-sponsor programs that serve to integrate the efforts of the Section with other land-use oriented organizations.

  4. To inform or educate the public of the virtues or necessity of land-use legislation.

  5. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Membership Committee shall distribute information to membership and potential members of the Section.



The committee shall be directed by a chairperson appointed by the President. The chairperson shall seek any number of committee members. Task members may also be utilized by the committee in performing its duties.



  1. To send a letter of welcome to all new Section members.

  2. To promote programs to attract new members to the Section.

  3. To maintain ample supplies of membership and career information by corresponding directly with the Manager, Field Services, ASCE.

  4. To display appropriate Society and Section material at all Membership Meetings.

  5. To be responsible for assuring the presence of at least one other "greeter" at all Membership Meetings.

  6. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Municipal Engineers Committee will work to be a viable organization for Municipal Engineers in New Hampshire, maintaining visibility within the profession and providing services that benefit the membership.  This Committee will maintain the visibility of municipal engineering community and serve as their advocate within the profession.



The Council membership elects a seven member Board of Directors composed of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Clerk, Treasurer, and three additional Directors. Membership is open to any member of the staff of any City, Town, or municipal engineering or public works department or division of any municipality within the State of New Hampshire whose duties are of a professional nature such as those embodied in the term "professional engineer."



  1. To meet the technical and professional needs of municipal engineering employees within the State of New Hampshire. This will be accomplished through hosting daytime meetings with presentations by public and private individuals on topics of mutual concerns (such as highway design and maintenance, State and Federal regulations, state of the art procedures and practices, etc.), conducting special seminars and becoming active in the Legislative process.

  2.  An annual report of Council activities is prepared and submitted to the President.


The Nominating Committee will seek and recommend Section members for Section and Society positions and honors.



In accordance with Section Bylaws, Article III, Section 1, the committee shall be comprised of the current President, President-Elect and the three most recent past presidents.  The Past President shall be the chairperson.



  1. To seek and develop a slate of official nominees for the general elections.

  2. To consider and submit nominations of Section members for Society awards, prizes and medals, as described in the ASCE Official Register.

  3. To seek and submit nominations of Section members for membership on Society professional committees, as described in the ASCE Official Register.

  4. To assist Section members seeking appointment to a Society Technical or Task Committee.

  5. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Program Committee is charged with organizing the Section Membership Meetings.



The President-Elect shall be the chairperson of the committee. The chairperson shall seek any number of committee members. Task subcommittees may also be formed by the committee to perform its duties.



  1. To suggest or develop program details of Membership Meetings.

  2. To seek and negotiate terms with appropriate persons for places of meeting.

  3. To assure successful meetings through coordination with the Membership, Hospitality, and Publicity committees, and the Secretary and others involved.

  4. To recruit and invite speakers and guests.

  5. To maintain an ample supply of speakers’ gifts.

  6. To submit letter of thanks to designated individuals and ensure proper close-out of meeting details to other officers.

  7. To advise committees that promote special membership meetings.

  8. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Publicity Committee shall publicize Section activities or policies to the news media and/or the Society.



The committee shall be directed by a chairperson appointed by the President. The chairperson shall seek any number of members.



  1. To prepare and distribute news releases concerning activities planned by the Program Committee or as directed by the Board of Directors.

  2. To distribute prepared news releases as submitted by committees that are promoting special membership meetings.

  3. To make special publicity releases concerning Section activities or policies to the Society publications.

  4. To maintain a current file of newspaper articles and clippings concerning Section activities.

  5. To inform the Communications Committee of current news releases.

  6. To prepare an annual report of activities.


The Strategic Planning Committee shall develop a 5-Year Plan that identifies Section goals and objectives.



All past presidents are automatically included as members of the strategic planning committee. President-Elect will serve as chair.



  1. Convene an annual meeting with past presidents to formulate and update the Five-Year Plan.

  2. Organize a management meeting for the membership early in the business year.

  3.  Prepare an annual report of activities.


To organize and promote technical programs for the Section, to provide access to current information on a variety of technical topics, to share technical information with municipal officials and to promote a heightened understanding of engineering issues by the general public.


A chairperson appointed by the Section President will direct the technical committee. The chairperson will seek any number of committee members.


  • To sponsor technical programs of interest to Section members. Said programs should not only include those areas of expertise found among committee members, but all technical issues that influence the field of civil engineering. 

  • To include non-technical professionals, especially municipal officials and other engineering clients in Section programs to develop a background of knowledge from which informed decisions can be made on engineering issues. 

  • To coordinate technical programs containing significant educational content with the Educational Committee, particularly when Continuing Professional Competency Units (PDH's, EDU's, etc.) are included in the program. 

  • To develop and publish technical papers for consideration in the Section Publications as well as local and national engineering publications. 

  • To provide support and assistance to the NH Section Student Chapter(s) in the form of organization of technical meetings. 

  • To coordinate with the faculty of the NH Universities and Colleges to garner support from the academic civil engineering professionals in providing technical seminars to disseminate new technological information to Section members and to provide refresher courses for various technical disciplines. 

  • To prepare an annual report on activities.

The Younger Members Committee shall recommend, review, and promote activities of particular value to younger members (engineers 35 years of age or younger).



All members of the committee shall be younger members. The committee shall be directed by a chairperson appointed by the President. The chairperson shall seek any number of committee members. The committee shall elect a Secretary and a Treasurer.



  1. To encourage the full professional development of younger members, including increased participation at all levels of the Section.

  2. To consider and recommend action to the Section Board of Directors on matters of concern to younger members.

  3. To sponsor special programs that enhance the younger members or encourage greater Section activity.

  4. To maintain liaison on matters of concern with the Society Younger Members Committee.

  5. To prepare an annual report of activities.

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